Jong Rabo

Auteur: Ylona Mak, Bestuur

We would like to invite you for the next Inclusion Talk ‘In and exclusion’ at September 16 from 13.00 till 14.00 pm CEST. The special guest speaker is Esther Mollema.

Esther believes that the strength of organizations lies in our individual differences. She is a well-known expert, author and trainer on how to create diversity & inclusion for better financial and strategic results. 

The theme of this Inclusion talk is how to actively be inclusive and integrate this in your daily life. During this inclusion talk we will focus on the difference you can make when you are consciously including others and how you can create micro moments to do so. Together we deepen the dialogue into breakout groups followed by an interactive wrap-up.

Are you up for some learning, inspiration and talking to other colleagues besides your own? Please join us in the journey of becoming a bank where Being Yourself Works. Sign in today via: Rabobank Events.

We would like to invite you for the next Inclusion Talk ‘In and exclusion’ at September 16 from 13.00 till 14.00 pm CEST. The special guest speaker is Esther Mollema.

Esther believes that the strength of organizations lies in our individual differences. She is a well-known expert, author and trainer on how to create diversity & inclusion for better financial and strategic results. 

The theme of this Inclusion talk is how to actively be inclusive and integrate this in your daily life. During this inclusion talk we will focus on the difference you can make when you are consciously including others and how you can create micro moments to do so. Together we deepen the dialogue into breakout groups followed by an interactive wrap-up.

Are you up for some learning, inspiration and talking to other colleagues besides your own? Please join us in the journey of becoming a bank where Being Yourself Works. Sign in today via: Rabobank Events.

Tip! Inclusion talk with Esther Mollema

“Iedereen heeft een netwerk nodig om je door het leven te brengen. Jong Rabo is niet alleen een netwerk waar je leert, maar waar je ook een toekomst opbouwt. Hier heb je voor de rest van je leven wat aan, zowel tijdens als na je Rabobankcarrière.”

Berry Marttin - lid raad van bestuur Rabobank