Jong Rabo

Auteur: Jessica White, Bestuur

We are proud to present our Annual Report for 2019! We are looking back at an amazing year, with our research trip to Argentina, company visit to Frankfurt and the ECB, a personal leadership weekend and activities where our members could develop new skills, learn new things about innovation and brainstorm about Rabobank's key topics with the managing board, and so much more. Thank you all for an amazing year, we hope you enjoy reading our annual report and we hope to (virtually) see you soon at one of our activities.

You can read our Annual Report here.

The Annual Report will be presented at our ALV on June 18th, together with the minute's report from our ALV in 2019. You can read the minutes here.


The Jong Rabo Annual Report 2019!

“Ik ben ontzettend trots op de vereniging die er nu staat;
passievolle, gedreven mensen die gaan voor hún organisatie en daarmee (Jong) Rabo uniek maken!”

Marijke Klaver – Voormalig voorzitter Jong Rabo