Jong Rabo

  11:00 uur
  Rabbit Bikestore, Elshout

  • Moutainbike
  • National park

Are you ready for some real action?
Join JongRabo on an exciting mountainbike trip through the Loonse and Drunense Duinen! On Saturday 25 September we meet at Rabbit Bikestore in Elshout. This is where we meet our guide and grab our helmets and mountainbikes before we take off into nature.

De Loonse en Drunense Duinen National Park is a national park situated in Brabant (the south of the Netherlands), between the cities of Tilburg, Waalwijk and 's-Hertogenbosch. You will find forest, heathland and lots of sand as the park is known as one of the largest drift sand areas in Western Europe. There are two possible routes: one for beginners and one for the more advanced rider to ensure a suitable challenge for everyone. Along the way, lunch is provided at a local café where we can catch up over a drink!


Practical information

  • Start time: 11.00 hr
  • End time: 14.30 hr
  • Costs: FREE!
  • Included: mountainbike, helmet, vignet, and lunch (i.e. two sandwiches and something to drink)
  • Location: Rabbit Bikestore, Van Schagenstraat 28, 5154 PG Elshout
  • Transport: you are encouraged to travel by car and carpool with colleagues. Yet, the sportcie will look into possibilities to transfer participants from Tilburg or Den Bosch trainstation to the location by car.
  • What to wear? Workout clothes, including tight sports legging/ wheeler shorts (wider sports pants can also work but make sure you can tuck it well into your socks so it won’t get stuck in the chain guard or spokes), and a water bottle.
  • Can I bring my own bike? Yes, you can! In this case, the Sportcie will arrange your vignet and ensure you can join one of the JongRabo groups.

Aanvang: zaterdag 25 september 2021 om 11:00
Organiserende commissie Sportcommissie
Inschrijven vanaf: woensdag 11 augustus 2021 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: dinsdag 21 september 2021 om 10:00

Rabbit Bikestore - van Schagenstraat 28, 5154 PG Elshout

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"Empowerment van onze leden hebben we laten zien door hen een podium te geven en de klankbordrol als vereniging te versterken. Op die manier dragen wij bij aan de ontwikkeling van Rabobank én die van onze leden.”

Marijke Klaver – Voormalig voorzitter Jong Rabo