Security awareness, do you have what it takes?

  16:00 uur
  Sustainable Future commissie

  • Cyber security
  • Technology
  • Google hacking
Kennisverbreding Persoonlijke ontwikkeling

Jong Rabo Introduction Week: Register here as non-member

It is no longer necessary to explain that Cyber ​​Security is becoming increasingly important in our daily life as well as in the office. Criminals are continuously seeking for new ways to penetrate IT environments with various motives such as financial gain, causing damage or theft of R&D information. Security has long ceased to be a responsibility of the "security department" but everyone can and should contribute in keeping your own and business environment safe. By understanding how criminals work, it is also easier for you to show safe behavior.

In this workshop, Henk Marsman and Kelvin Rorive will discuss the current state of affairs regarding cyber security in general, but also specifically for the bank. A short training in Google Hacking will also be given. They will show you how you can find more and smarter information with special commands in Google (hackers also make good use of this). This is because it is fairly easy to find vulnerable systems or even active usernames with passwords. The workshop will be concluded with a virtual social chat where Henk and Kelvin will answer your questions as far as is allowed and possible.

Join the session and be amazed by all things you can discover! A laptop is recommended during the session to participate actively. See you then!

Aanvang: woensdag 9 september 2020 om 16:00
Organiserende commissie Sustainable Future commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: maandag 17 augustus 2020 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: woensdag 9 september 2020 om 00:00

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"Empowerment van onze leden hebben we laten zien door hen een podium te geven en de klankbordrol als vereniging te versterken. Op die manier dragen wij bij aan de ontwikkeling van Rabobank én die van onze leden.”

Marijke Klaver – Voormalig voorzitter Jong Rabo