Immersive visit to muZIEum!
71% vol

  15:00 uur
  MuZIEum, Nijmegen, Nijmegen
  Cooperative Impact Commissie

  • diversity
  • cooperative
Teambuilding Bedrijfsbezoek

Immersive visit to muZIEum! Join us for an engaging and enlightening visit to muZIEum (Opent je de ogen | muZIEum) in Nijmegen on October 24th! muZIEum is a unique museum that immerses visitors in the world of the visually impaired. Unlike traditional museums, muZIEum focuses on sensory experiences, allowing you to understand what it’s like to navigate the world without sight. Guided by visually impaired guides, you’ll participate in a sensory expedition that challenges your perceptions. It’s an inspiring and educational experience that you won’t want to miss!


15.15: welcome by muZIEum

15.25: Start programme: Expedition in the dark

17.00: End our experience together at MuZIEum

17:00-19.00: borrel (location tbd)


By signing up, YoungRabo reserves and pays for entrance to muZIEum and a drinks, allowing you to attend this activity for free. Please make sure before signing up that you are available the 24th of October. If you are unable to attend, cancel your registration as soon as possible and by the 2nd of October. If you cancel after the 2nd of October, we will check if anyone is available on the reserve list, if not we will charge a no-show fee of €25.

We look forward to seeing you there for an afternoon of discovery and fun!

Aanvang: donderdag 24 oktober 2024 om 15:00
Organiserende commissie Cooperative Impact Commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: dinsdag 17 september 2024 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: donderdag 17 oktober 2024 om 12:00

MuZIEum, Nijmegen - Ziekerstraat 6B, 6511 LH Nijmegen

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"Empowerment van onze leden hebben we laten zien door hen een podium te geven en de klankbordrol als vereniging te versterken. Op die manier dragen wij bij aan de ontwikkeling van Rabobank én die van onze leden.”

Marijke Klaver – Voormalig voorzitter Jong Rabo