Lunch with Rabo Foundation at A beautiful mess

  12:00 uur
  A beautiful mess, Utrecht
  Cooperative Impact Commissie

Bedrijfsbezoek Netwerken Kennisverbreding

A wonderful lunch


Join us for lunch with Rabo Foundation at A beautiful mess in Utrecht and get to know the Rabo Foundation! Ever wondered what the Foundation does in the Netherlands and abroad? During this lunch an international consultant will be present to answer all your questions and tell you more about the impact they are making.


 A Beautiful Mess

Refugee Company aims to match as many participants as possible to great jobs in the Netherlands. In a world gradually becoming less equal and less peaceful, our goal is to establish an inclusive society in which everyone has a role to play and is considered valuable. A Beautiful Mess is a horeca concept aimed at providing refugees a paid job and wonderful food.


Rabo Foundation

As a provider of impact funding, we operate worldwide to achieve continuous positive change: economic, social and ecological change. Every day we’re getting closer to our ideal: a fair and sustainable society in which everyone can genuinely participate.



Date: May 23th (12:00-14:00)

Time table:

12:00 – 14:00       Lunch at A beautiful mess

13:00 – 13:30       Presentation Rabo Foundation


Practical information:

The restaurant is located in Utrecht and is a 10 min bike ride from our HQ. The lunch is partly provided by the organizing committee, Rabo Foundation and a personal contribution of EUR 5,00.


Note: Cancellation for this activity is possible via the website until May 16th . After this date, a no-show fee of €25,- applies to cover the costs.

Aanvang: donderdag 23 mei 2024 om 12:00
Organiserende commissie Cooperative Impact Commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: dinsdag 7 mei 2024 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: donderdag 16 mei 2024 om 12:00

A beautiful mess - Joseph Haydnlaan 2, 3533AE Utrecht

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"Empowerment van onze leden hebben we laten zien door hen een podium te geven en de klankbordrol als vereniging te versterken. Op die manier dragen wij bij aan de ontwikkeling van Rabobank én die van onze leden.”

Marijke Klaver – Voormalig voorzitter Jong Rabo