Authenticity workshop
21% vol

  09:00 uur
  Rabobank Utrecht, Leidseveer, Utrecht

Persoonlijke ontwikkeling


How often do you hear someone say, “Just be authentic, alright?” Or perhaps, “You need to find your true self”? Maybe you have been treated to one of those? And then there is the famous, “Woowwww, that person is sooooo authentic, aren’t they?!” What makes authenticity so important? Here’s a hint: it’s a crucial factor in building real connections with those around you.

Ready to come closer to your true self and learn how to take your next step?

Join Damjan Raic, the embodiment of authenticity and an expert on the subject, for an immersive workshop. Through vibrant dialogue and dynamic exercises, we will peel back some layers of ‘authenticity.’ And trust us, you won’t escape without some honest self-reflection during his session!

Aanvang: dinsdag 15 oktober 2024 om 09:00
Organiserende commissie GROW!-commissie
Inschrijven vanaf: dinsdag 24 september 2024 om 12:00
Inschrijven t/m: vrijdag 11 oktober 2024 om 18:00

Rabobank Utrecht, Leidseveer - Leidseveer 50, Utrecht

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“Ik ben ontzettend trots op de vereniging die er nu staat;
passievolle, gedreven mensen die gaan voor hún organisatie en daarmee (Jong) Rabo uniek maken!”

Marijke Klaver – Voormalig voorzitter Jong Rabo